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 rFactorMapPlugin 105

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Messages : 2542
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2009
Age : 39
Localisation : sur la piste

rFactorMapPlugin 105 Vide
MessageSujet: rFactorMapPlugin 105   rFactorMapPlugin 105 17_210Lun 8 Mar - 16:40

Version 1.05 Lien http://9giga.sfr.fr/n/50-17/share/LNK37814b94308871079/

Map Plugin Beta.

WORKS on rFactor and SuperluagueFormula 2009 too!

This Plugin shows a Track Map in rFactor, is fully Configurable by
Mapconf.txt text file and was developed by Fazerbox (fazerbox@gmail.com)

Release notes Version 1.05
1) Fixed CTD on Klausenpass Bergsprint track
2) new SkipTrackPoints parameters. Default = 3. Skip 3 Track points
before draw a new one point. 0 = Disable.
It is related to Minimap Precision
3) new LineUpperCarDistance parameter. Default = 100. Cars distance fron
me less that 100 m are drown below Track Line.
Usefull in case of a lot of near cars. 0 = Disable
4) Works on Superleague Formula 2009

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